Get your day off right!
It says here , in a post on "How Not to Be a Lazy Housewife", that the beginning of the day is the most important. She writes:
Rise and shine: Seriously, when you first rise be sure to find a way to shine. Instead of getting on the computer in your bathrobe or sitting in front of the TV - take a shower and dress as though you are expecting guests. You don't need to dress to the nines, but at least be clean and presentable. This is vitally important, because doing this will keep you in a great mood all day.
Move: before you shower, do something ritual such as a five minute stretch routine. Light a candle or do it with a cup of coffee. It's a simple thing that will make you feel like a million bucks all day.
I have to admit that I sit around in my bathrobe quite a bit and don't get the things done that I need to. I think if I started my day more energetically, doing some exercises and stretching, and then showering, rather than checking Twitter or my blog, that I'd feel better.
When did we let computers take a hold of our lives?
Besides, I'm getting to the age where my bad posture really matters! I'm always getting backaches because I slouch. And my knees are horrible. And I need to stretch! So I think, from now on, I'm going to try to start the day right, and get dressed and shower first, then read my Bible, and then check my computer.
That's a hard sell, but I think I can do it. What about you?

 Labels: exercise, homemaking |
Sounds good to me!