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Do Your Kids Fight When Doing Chores?

My kids are usually good to each other. They play with each other, they're nice to each other, they love each other.(This picture is a few years old now, but that's a typical pose).

Until it's time to do chores. Then Becca's too bossy. And Katie's too lazy. And on and on it goes until someone ends up crying.

I get upset because they seem only to fight when it might hurt me. I want them to get something done, and instead of throwing themselves into it, they bicker.

So we've laid down the law recently and told them they're doing the chores no matter what. And we've split it up so they're not working in the same room.

And guess what? For the last two weeks they didn't fight. It was bliss.

In fact, yesterday Keith and I had to go to a funeral and we left them in the morning by themselves. When we got back the house was clean and they were happy. I think we've turned a corner in our house.

Often kids fight to get out of doing things, on a subconscious level. They think they may weaken you. So STAY STRONG! You are the boss! And one day you'll find they're actually a big help to you, if you put the work in now!

Now I just have to figure out a way to positively reinforce this so that it continues! But right now I am so proud of my girls...

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At 9:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said…

My son and daughter live very close to the love/hate line. They are the best of friends and the worst. . . you know. Makes me nuts. I've been on a big 'serve your sibling' campaign lately. I've seen baby steps, but my FAITH is BIG!


At 10:11 AM , Blogger Alyce said…

Sounds just like my girls!!
Argue Argue Argue..then Love Love Love..

Thanks for sharing..


At 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said…

LOL! We came to the same conclusion with my boys. Chores are not optional, but the two of them can't work together in the same room alone. I can team up my daughters or one son with one daughter, but not the two boys. Glad to hear that it is not something unique to our house :)

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Name: Sheila

Home: Belleville, Ontario, Canada

About Me: I'm a Christian author of a bunch of books, and a frequent speaker to women's groups and marriage conferences. Best of all, I love homeschooling my daughters, Rebecca and Katie. And I love to knit. Preferably simultaneously.

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