I was browsing around the internet lately and found the best synopsis of marriage advice I've seen in a long time. Readers to this blog won't find any of it surprising. I talk on these themes all the time. But it's so pithy and wise, I have to reproduce it just as she said it over at Garden of Holiness: 3 Things to Keep in Mind 1. You picked him. 2. You can't change him. 3. You didn't marry a girl.
Aren't those brilliant? You can't change him. So stop trying. In fact, it's better to pray that God will bless him and make him into the man God wants him to be--not the man you want him to be! As you start praying for him this way, God often changes our hearts. And then we can focus on changing ourselves.
And remember, he's a guy! And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm scheduling this post ahead of time because I'm away this Wifey Wednesday, so I'm going to send you over to Garden of Holiness for the rest of her post. And you can click through on the links I've highlighted there to other Wifey Wednesday posts I've loved! Now it's your turn! Go to your own blog and write a marriage post, and then come back here and leave your link in the Mr. Linky! (I'm assuming Mr. Linky will work, but I'm scheduling this ahead of time. If he doesn't, leave your link in the comments!). And copy my picture from the top of this post and use it in your post, too! Thanks so much, and I look forward to seeing what you all have to say!
  Labels: marriage, wifey wednesdays |
Yes, those ARE good, Sheila. Thanks for sharing them.