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What Do I Want to Be Known As?


Last month I was at World Vision headquarters in Canada for a training session. As I walked towards the entrance, I saw this stone at the base of a tree.

I don't know who Brian Tizzard was, but I found myself tearing up nonetheless. I know nothing about the man, except that he was a man of God, and a champion for children.

I'm sure he's happy to be remembered that way. And then I started to think, how will people describe me? Will they say, "she was a bundle of energy?" Will they say, "She was always running around doing something." Will they talk about how busy I am, how much I do, how much I'm involved in? Or is there something more fundamental that shines through?

I am very busy this year with speaking, and with writing. And the thing that motivates me is twofold: one, in my work with World Vision, God's using me to get children sponsored. And given my love for Africa, I'm honoured to be a part of that.

But two: I'm speaking a lot on marriage. I'm writing a book on marriage. And the reason I do this? So that kids don't have to grow up without a mom and dad who love each other, like I did. So that kids can grow up feeling secure, and safe, and loved, because their parents love each other.

Think of what a difference we can make in this world if we do one simple thing: love our mates. And then encourage others to do the same. Family is the key to everything: it ends poverty, gives hope, teaches kids about God's goodness, and stabilizes our society, our hearts, our souls.

In sixty years, I hope under some tree there's a little plaque that says,
Sheila Gregoire
Woman of God
Champion for Children

That would make me very happy indeed.

What about you? What are your passions? What do you want to be remembered for?

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At 9:54 AM , Blogger Jo Vandermey said…

Thank you for taking the time to write a book about marriage.
Having just celebrated our 25th I think the best comment came from my DD when she wrote me a letter this fall that told me her feelings. It went something like this. "Even though you and dad aren't perfect and and sometimes have problems I know that you love each other and work things out. When I find a spouse I hope to have a marriage like yours. Alot of my friends don't have parents like you. "
What a testimony! And here I think I am a failure at times when I lose it or feel mad at my husband.
On my stone I think I would like,
Women of God.
In this life, caring, sharing, work in progress...
Now at home in perfect peace and rest.
But this will probably cost to much so my frugal family will just put my name on. lol
PS My family thinks it is totally inappropriate to make everyone who is entering my funeral to say something funny about me or they don't get admitted.

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Name: Sheila

Home: Belleville, Ontario, Canada

About Me: I'm a Christian author of a bunch of books, and a frequent speaker to women's groups and marriage conferences. Best of all, I love homeschooling my daughters, Rebecca and Katie. And I love to knit. Preferably simultaneously.

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