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The Real Reward
It's Friday, so it's time for me to post my syndicated column! But before I do that, a few housekeeping issues.

I am still sick. This is absolutely ridiculous. It's been 2 1/2 weeks now. My youngest daughter was better, but now she's down again. I'm starting to think we've had two or three colds in a row, rather than just one long one. Life isn't fair, but then, usually we don't get sick at all in a year. I suppose maybe it's just catching up with us.

Also, my podcast hosting site is down, which is why I've been missing podcasts for the last two weeks. I have them recorded, but haven't been able to upload them! I'm going to give the site one more week, and then I'll think about switching somewhere else.

And now, without further adieu, here's this week's Reality Check!

Do those of you with children recall the potty training days, or have you attempted to block them forever from your memory? If you followed parenting books, you likely stuck a chart to your fridge, and dotted it with happy faces every time your toddler sat on the potty and completed his or her assignment. You may even have had a stash of M&Ms to hand out in especially desperate cases.

Positive reinforcement, after all, is a good motivator for children. We hug them when they’re good and sweet, and we give them a treat when they’ve been patient and haven’t complained as we dragged them through the grocery store or to doctors’ appointments.

Yet after my column last week, in which I wrote about government programs that bribe people to do what they should be doing anyway, I started wondering about our parenting techniques, too. Positive reinforcement is great, but what about those M&Ms? Hugging them for being patient is wonderful, but are we always going to buy them a Happy Meal for behaving appropriately? And what about as they grow older? Will we pay them for good grades, too?

The problem with bribery is that children start to feel like they deserve the reward every time they do it. Take the reward away, and they may stop the behaviour. Even worse, when you pay for something, you give the impression that this thing is not fun or rewarding in and of itself. So if you pay for good grades, you tell kids that working hard for grades isn’t worth it. If you pay for kids to read books, you teach them that reading isn’t fun. They open the book expecting not to enjoy it, since you’re inadvertently communicating the message that people would only read if there’s something tangible in it for them. And once we start bribing for one thing, kids start to assume we’ll cough up for other things, too. We’ve created a real power imbalance, where the kids will say, “I’ll only do this if you pay.” Now that’s counterproductive parenting!

How did we start bribing for so many things? I wonder if it is partly because our authority as parents has diminished. Remember hearing of those “children should be seen and not heard” days? Up until the last century and a half, it was assumed that children would defer to their parents in all things. When children became the centre of family life, though, we parents no longer felt as confident of our own ability to know what was best. Parenting became more about making life easy and enjoyable for childhood than about preparing them for work and independence. So we stopped ordering them around and starting asking politely. It’s only a short hop from there to bribing outrightly.

Children should never have to work from sunup to sundown, as was the case in much of history, and in much of the Third World today. At the same time, though, I’m not sure our all-fun-all-the-time parenting strategy is working, either.
Success in life requires work, but as we work, we find that the work is its own reward. It is wonderful to feel productive. It is wonderful to solve a problem, complete a major task, or land a sought after job.

If we tell children that these things are only worth it for the payment they might receive, then we stunt children’s development. They never grow up. After all, isn’t the definition of maturity doing what is right, simply for the reward of knowing you stuck by your principles?

Perhaps maturity is too big a thing to worry about when you just want your child to pee in the potty, and doling out M&Ms is the only thing that seems to be working. If that’s what it takes, more power to you. But let’s be careful that this parenting philosophy doesn’t spill over into everything. There is great satisfaction in work. We hurt our kids when we diminish their ability to feel that satisfaction on their own. So let’s not bribe them. Let’s just praise them, love them, and cheer them on. That sounds like a better recipe for success to me.

In reading this over, I wish I had made more of a distinction between bribery and reward. I don't think there's a problem with giving a reward for a job well done. After all, we get that in real life, so it's just mimicking what kids will experience as they grow. I tried to change it, but space constraints made it too hard. Oh, well!

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To Love, Honor and Vacuum

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At 9:35 AM , Blogger Tara said…

Amen and Amen!


At 10:32 AM , Blogger Precision Quality Laser said…

This is slightly off topic, but have you considered using some echinacea to help your body fend off the bugs? It can help boost your immune system. Anyway, I know some people are reluctant to try herbs, but some of the herbs really work! Just thought you might want to know :)

Hope your family gets to feeling better soon!


At 9:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said…

Great post! We actually discovered this with our older son when potty training. He would do it for the Smartie. I finally said, that is enough, he will perform this normal human function when he is ready not because I am bribing him to do it. There was no more bribing/rewarding other than a verbal "good job" after that and you know what - as we relaxed about it and gave him his space, he did it and was proud of himself in the process. It taught me to never again use charts or other bribes (quite frankly I didn't feel like doing those anyway). I find the less I push, the more he is willing to participate in the regular things in life from getting dressed to helping me sort the laundry and put away cutlery at 4 years old.

Hope you feel better. Perhaps the echinacea or Cold Fx can help along the way:)


At 12:13 AM , Blogger Jerusalem Jones said…

The idea behind positive reinforcement is that if you reinforce every good behavior, than the moment the reinforcement ends, so does the positive behavior. However, studies have shown if you randomly reinforce positive behavior, the hope of positive reinforcement will encourage the positive behavior indefinitely. So, in the potty training case, don't give an M&M every time; do it at random intervals and the hope that they might get a candy for the proper behavior becomes the reward, then ultimately the behavior itself.


At 6:45 PM , Blogger Renee said…

I think a good way to use rewards is to reward a new, challenging skill/behaviour that YOU want them to do. After it has been done successfully (with rewards), then you congratulate them on their mastery of the targeted action, and remove the reward. The incentive helps get them over the "hump" of learning something new.


At 1:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said…

We're not ready for potty training yet, but I've heard lots of good things about the M&M route. Your points are good ones; I'm also concerned about using food as a reward. Hoping to teach my son better eating habits than I have...


At 5:36 PM , Blogger Tiffany said…

This really makes me think. I will be careful about what rewards we use as our son grows. Thanks for sharing!

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Name: Sheila

Home: Belleville, Ontario, Canada

About Me: I'm a Christian author of a bunch of books, and a frequent speaker to women's groups and marriage conferences. Best of all, I love homeschooling my daughters, Rebecca and Katie. And I love to knit. Preferably simultaneously.

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