Good morning, all! It is the day after the party for my book,
Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight, and I have virtual streamers and pop cans littering everywhere. But I'm recovering!
A ton of you participated in my virtual scavenger hunts, from the number of entries I received, and I hope you had a fun time!
So for today, I thought I'd address one of the key phrases you had to find. We'll look at the other one tomorrow.
And it is:
Women Aren't Like Slow Cookers
What in the world does that mean? Well, I often hear the analogy that men are like microwaves, and women are like slow cookers. Men heat up quickly (and they're done quickly, I guess), but women take longer to heat up. But when they do, they're very tender.
Here's why I don't like the analogy. It implies that women will eventually heat up. But women may not! The truth is that for us sex is primarily in our brains. We have to have our brains in gear for our bodies to follow. So it doesn't matter what he does, we won't heat up unless we also decide to. It's a head thing.
Women are only like slow cookers if we control the switch. No one else can switch us on. It's a decision we make to enjoy this.
And you all know what I mean. Have you ever been enjoying your husband when you realize that you don't have milk in the fridge for breakfast in the morning? All of a sudden you're ticking off a mental grocery list in your head, and you're gone! You're not paying attention anymore, and your body follows. Our heads need to be in the game!
Here's a podcast I did on the subject that you'll enjoy:
Women Are Not Like Slow CookersAnd if you want to figure out how to get your brain in gear, my
audio download a talk I gave on Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight can help!
Have a great day! I'm going to go clean up after my party, now!

"Have you ever been enjoying your husband when you realize that you don't have milk in the fridge for breakfast in the morning? All of a sudden you're ticking off a mental grocery list in your head, and you're gone!"
I heard this from many women... I just don't know, perhaps I'm simply too young and too newlywed to relate. :o)