Hi everybody!
Thanks so much for joining me on this Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight party day! I about doubled the traffic of my last highest day, so I'm thrilled.
And I'm so glad you all stopped by!
I just sent emails to the two individuals who won my blog scavenger hunts. I can't exactly announce their names, since all I have is first name and email, and that would violate privacy, but they have been notified!
For everyone who participated, thank you, and I hope you had a great time.
I just ran my first Twitter party, and it was actually rather fun. And aside from a few computer glitches, things went pretty well!
As for the special, it's all yours until midnight! It's not too late to get the special prizes!
But I'll give you a heads up. I'm going to bed now. I'm exhausted. So I'm not actually taking it down until tomorrow morning. So have fun!
And now, to bed. After all, I don't have a headache!
Labels: honey I Don't Have a Headache Tonight |
Thanks so much for today, I really enjoyed the parts I was able to participate in. Thanks for your ministry to couples :)