I think the reason many of us feel chronically tired or unsatisfied at home is that we ask the wrong things of ourselves. And we ask too much of ourselves.
We're expecting to be able to keep a perfect home. We're expecting our kids will always get along. We're expecting to be able to make a blissful life for our children, where they are free to experience all kinds of activities and sports, to see what they are good at. And we're expecting to love all this work.
But if what if we have the wrong starting point? What if life isn't supposed to be endless chores? What if there's something that's more important? And what if our attitude towards our children is skewed?
I don't think our homes need to be perfect; I think they need to be comfortable, and there's a big difference.
If you're battling with this, listen in to my latest podcast! It's from an interview I did with Focus on the Family on my book, To Love, Honor and Vacuum. It's only six minutes long, so you can listen while you surf the blogs!
I'm going to have a new podcast up every Tuesday. Some will be interviews I did, some will be radio shows I hosted, and some will be snippets from talks that I've given. Hopefully they'll all be an encouragement to you! You can listen to last week's right here. Have a good one!
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Labels: housework, nesting, podcast, To Love Honor and Vacuum |