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Friendly Weekly Menu Plan
Menu Plan Monday: Planning for Being Away!

It's Monday, so it's time to get our menus ready for the week! It's something I really believe in, and considering I desperately need to go grocery shopping (we're out of milk and eggs), I better get my menu done now or I won't but the stuff we actually need!

But before I start, I have something I'm so PROUD of I have to share it!


You know when you go shopping and you pile the celery and the lettuce and the endive and the cauliflower and the beans and the peppers and the green onions and all this GREEN stuff into your cart, in a health frenzy, and then it just goes slimy?

Well, we bought a ton of veggies over the last few weeks and we've honestly eaten through them. I have half an onion and some peppers left. I am so proud. So those are top on my list at the grocery store again!

The only problem is that I'm heading out this week for a speaking tour. I leave Tuesday night and I'm not back until Saturday night. What do you think are the chances that the kids and Keith will eat these veggies when I'm not here? Pretty slim, I'd say. But I'll buy them anyway, just like we all do, because it makes me feel like a good mother.

Speaking of which, last week I was in line at the store and the couple with the cart behind me had a toddler, three packages of Joe Louis, four 2 litre bottles of pop (with sugar and caffeine), several things of chips, and spaghetti-O's. There was probably was $35 of groceries in the cart and there was absolutely nothing healthy.

I know we should judge each other based on the content of our character, and not the content of our cart, but that was extreme. And that toddler was HUGE.

Anyway, back to the menu.

I'm trying to plan for things they will actually cook while I'm away, so Keith doesn't take them to Pizza Hut every night. The girls are getting pretty good at making dinner themselves now, so here's my plan:

Monday: Roast Chicken with potatoes and carrots. My night to cook, so I'll do a big roast to have some leftovers for soup for lunch the next day. The best roast chicken is just to put garlic cloves in under the skin and inside the cavity. Don't put too much salt on the bird because it actually dries it out. Save the salt for the gravy. Just add garlic and then baste it a lot, and it will taste great. It's super easy!

Tuesday: Meatballs and Rice. I just love homemade meatballs. I mix them with pinapple juice, tomato juice, and whatever barbecue sauce I happened to have in my fridge. Throw in a bit of chili sauce for some bite, and it's really good! It's just a mixture to use up all those little bits of stuff that's left after summer, like mustard and sauces, and it always seems to work. The key is to make sure you have something that's a little sweet, something with a little bite, and something that's a little sour. So if it tastes too sweet, just throw in something sour. And keep throwing stuff in until it tastes good! I've come up with great concoctions that way, and then you get rid of so many bottles!

Wednesday: Spaghetti. This one's Katie's night, and she can handle spaghetti no problem!

Thursday: Pizza. Keith does a great pizza, so I'm sure he won't mind.

Friday: Shepherd's Pie. Rebecca's turn. We just mix the ground beef with a can of tomato soup, 2 tsp of worcestershire sauce, some garlic powder, and a tiny bit of barbecue sauce. Top with frozen veggies, and you put mashed potatoes over that whole thing. It's super easy; even a kid can make it. The only hard part is peeling the potatoes. But everybody loves it. Too bad I won't be home to help eat it!

There. So I've planned their menu. Now I get to come home and see if they actally eat it!

I'm sorry I'm not linking to recipes, but to tell you the truth, I don't use them much. I just have my favourites that I make. It's easier that way!

Thanks for stopping by! Now won't you stay for a while? I've got posts on housework, parenting, marriage, social issues, and tons more! Look around for a bit.

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At 12:47 PM , Blogger Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said…

I've chopped up peppers and put them in the freezer for later. You could also do the same with other types of veggies as long as you weren't planning on them for fresh. :D WE are having shepherd's pie this week. I guess everyone makes them a little different. I'm going to have to try yours as they sound great! :D


At 2:04 PM , Blogger 6intow said…

I always catch myself judging by the contents of other carts as well! LOL. As I pridefully place my organic salad greens, plain yogurt, cage free eggs, hormone free meat, and plentiful produce on the belt. God still has a lot of work to do on my little heart at the grocery store . . . I need to remember BMI and cholesterol have nothing to do with the true condition of our heart.



At 12:33 AM , Blogger Stacy said…

I agree about the peppers- chop them in half, pull out the seeds and stem, and put in ziploc bags to freeze. When you want them again, run them under cool water until they're defrosted enough to chop easily.
We love shepherd's pie too...ours doesn't have tomato soup in it though.
Have a safe trip!

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Name: Sheila

Home: Belleville, Ontario, Canada

About Me: I'm a Christian author of a bunch of books, and a frequent speaker to women's groups and marriage conferences. Best of all, I love homeschooling my daughters, Rebecca and Katie. And I love to knit. Preferably simultaneously.

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