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Babies Revisited
Thanks for all your comments about babies in church!

I really think babies should be in church, too, but if they do get distracting, it's time to take them out. I've spent the last hour trying to edit the audio for that night, and clean it up a bit, and it is hard to edit out baby squawks. Some of them are cute, but at the serious times you just don't want a baby in the background. It's a tough call, though, because I know many of those young moms just really needed to be there!

This morning I actually spoke at a MOPS group, where there were tons of squawking babies! Somehow it didn't bother me there because the whole point of the group was the babies. And nobody was expecting it to be quiet. So it was a different atmosphere.

We talked about sex, and it really was a riot. I'll try to post some clips of what I said in an upcoming podcast, but some of the questions people asked were really good, too.

One of the points I tried to drive home is that men want to be wanted; they don't want to be placated. So you have to initiate, at least some time. One woman brought up the point that she doesn't mind initiating because as far as she is concerned, sex is for him, anyway. It doesn't do much for her, but she wants him to have a good time.

It's an admirable sentiment, but I do think that as women we shouldn't settle for it. Surely we can enjoy it, too? I know we're tired, and I know we have a lot on our minds, but let's not believe that it's never going to be good! I've been there, and it does get better, if you set your mind to it.

Again, this is the focus of Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight, but I just assured these women that at this stage of your life, with preschoolers, you're probably in the most stressful period of your marriage ever. You haven't been married that long. You're not sleeping. Your life is extremely demanding. You're not financially secure yet.

But it does get better. So if your sex life is difficult, don't beat yourself up too much. Think of it as a long term goal. But do aim for spectacular! Don't settle for mediocre. God wants a lot more for us! He really does.

Now, onto other things. Tracey asked how I found out what Google searches people used to end up on my blog. I signed up with Google Analytics. You can create your free account, and then they can monitor how people arrive. Site Meter does it, too, but I find Google Analytics is better for finding out the specific searches, or for totalling up how much traffic came from each referrer site.

Hope that helps! I'll have a new Wifey Wednesday post tomorrow!

To Love, Honor and Vacuum

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At 1:57 PM , Blogger Precision Quality Laser said…

With regards to sex, I think our husbands want us to enjoy it as much as they do and to get as much out of it as they do. I think that having the proper mindset and attitude makes it a little easier to get in the mood :) I can say this as I am a sleep-deprived mother of three, ages 6, 4 and 1!

What works for me is getting myself in that mindset at the beginning of the day. Preparing myself, throughout my day, to be available mentally before we climb into bed for the night. Reserving energy so that my husband knows he is important to me and not just getting the leftovers.

I think that we, as wives, have to realize that this part of marriage is a vital ministry to our husbands. God tells us to come together REGULARLY. Now I will admit, that when you have little ones, the regularity of it tends to! But I strive to make it meaningful and fun each time.

Our husbands need us and need to be needed by us.

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Name: Sheila

Home: Belleville, Ontario, Canada

About Me: I'm a Christian author of a bunch of books, and a frequent speaker to women's groups and marriage conferences. Best of all, I love homeschooling my daughters, Rebecca and Katie. And I love to knit. Preferably simultaneously.

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