Heart of the Matter is using my book
To Love, Honor and Vacuum as their book study choice this fall! I'm so excited.
The first installment from chapter 1 is
up now. You can peruse it and then join them.
A little tidbit:
The changes that we are seeking are not going to come from those around US, they have to come FROM us, as we begin to use JESUS as our guide.
There are ways to see if CHANGE is something that needs to be looked at further in our lives. Admittedly, they are tough questions, but change has NEVER been easy,
ever heard of PAUL?
Sheila gives us a few questions to think on before we move into Chapter 2, as a way of really examining ourselves.
Are we chronically tired? (spend some time in Matthew 11:28 - 30) before you are too tired to keep your eyes open...
Do we snap at the people we love?(just hang around Matthew 11:28 - 30 a little longer to hear the promises that Jesus has for us!)
We'll have to do some real soul searching and open ourselves up to the fact that we indeed may need to do some renovations of the heart.
Are you happy with the role you play in life? (Sheila recommends some time spent in Ephesians 2:10) Pray and ask God to show you in the midst of the daily chaos, that IS your life what HIS plan is for you.
What IS your attitude about change?? Ultimately, it's our life..noone can MAKE us change our actions, our habits or our attitudes, but if we are willing to look inward,
we just may find that a little change could do us good!!
In this passage that she's referring to in her study, I'm talking about how our attitude towards change tends to be outward focused:
I'll change as soon as you do!
But that's totally stupid, no offense ladies. If we wait for someone else to change, we're giving them power over our emotions, attitude, and whole life. Changing yourself, on the other hand, is something that only you have the ability to do.
So what do you need to change? If your life is too hectic, if you don't feel fulfilled in your marriage, if you're wondering if you can stick it out any longer, or if you really are making a difference, I guarantee you that To Love, Honor and Vacuum can help. But whether or not you get the book, remember that your life is ultimately up to you. Are you going to let God give you vision and purpose and a new heart, or are you going to sit there and WAIT FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN? The waiting doesn't help. May as well get up and do something!
I am so happy that Heart of the Matter is using your book for our book study. I have read Chapter One and must admit that I use alcohol for a destresser. How did you know this???? It is like you are peeking in my window!!!
I am praying for the strength to change, I understand that it must come from me and no-one else. Your book is very insightful and I love how the bible passages are on KEY!!!
Thank you!!!